The big story out of California on Friday was obviously the student takeover of Wheeler Hall at UC Berkeley, which lasted the entire day and ended in 41 arrests. With the 52 protesters arrested at Davis on Thursday and the 14 students arrested at the regents meeting in UCLA on Wednesday, that brings the week’s total to more than a hundred.

Berkeley wasn’t the only campus where Friday saw ongoing protests. At UC Santa Cruz, a student occupation of two buildings on campus — Kerr Hall and Kresge Town Hall — continued. Administrators cut off internet access to Kerr on Friday evening, but the occupation remained in effect overnight. In an effort to spur negotiations, activists trimmed their original 35-point list of demands to just seven.

At UC Davis, the site of more than fifty arrests on Thursday, students occupied administrative building Dutton Hall early Friday afternoon, but dispersed at the end of the day.

At CSU Fresno, part of the Cal State system, students took over the campus library on Friday evening, protesting cutbacks and calling for greater student involvement in university governance. The Fresno takeover, which as of early Saturday morning was still going on, is the latest in a string of library “study-ins” that have taken place this semester.

National media coverage of the protests continues to grow, with the New York Times and Time magazine running major new stories this morning.

I’ll have more details on yesterday’s events, and updates on today’s, in the coming hours.

12:00 pm | Students in Vienna, Austria report (Google translation) that they are demonstrating in front of the US embassy in that city at this hour, condemning the police violence associated with this week’s California student protests. Also, two students were arrested in New York City the night before last during the course of a roving march in support of the California protesters.

12:30 pm | The Cal State Fresno library sit-in ended peacefully this morning, in an agreement reached with the head of the library late last night. A report from Twitter posted moments ago states that the UCSC occupations are still ongoing, though it provides no details.

6:15 pm | A story posted to CNN’s website just one hour ago says that the UCSC administration intends “to wait out the takeover” rather than bringing in police and ending it with arrests.