A student strike that has shut down the university of Puerto Rico for two weeks shows no signs of ending anytime soon.

English-language reporting on the strike has been almost non-existent — the most recent relevant Google News hit on “university puerto rico protest” is a University of Minnesota campus paper’s April 29 story on the strike’s effect on three U of M students.

But the Puerto Rico Daily Sun (which is in English, but isn’t on Google News, for some reason) is covering the story, and recent developments suggest the strike may continue to drag on for quite a while.

On Monday, the university trustees refused a student offer to negotiate. On Tuesday, police forcibly removed twenty student demonstrators and a journalist from the gates of the university’s Río Piedras campus, injuring six. That afternoon, student representatives delivered an updated list of demands to the university president. On Wednesday some students left the campus and demonstrated at the offices of individual trustees.

More news on this story as I get it — feel free to post links in comments.

May 17 update | My coverage of the situation in Puerto Rico is ongoing — click here and scroll down to see the latest news.