The internet is blowing up this morning over Psychology Today’s latest bit of linkbait, a supposedly scholarly analysis that claims to prove that black women are  less attractive than other women, and speculates as to why.

The whole thing is a pile of crap. Not just because it’s absurdly racist and obnoxious (which it is), but because it’s utterly scientifically incoherent. There’s a lot of stupidity in the piece, but for me one sentence stood out from all the others:

“For example, because they have existed much longer in human evolutionary history, Africans have more mutations in their genomes than other races.”

I’ll repeat that: Because they have existed much longer in human evolutionary history, Africans have more mutations in their genomes.

Why is this the stupidest sentence in the whole stupid article? Because — and I can’t believe I even have to type this — all humans are descended from common ancestors. No population of humans has “existed longer” than any other, because we all share the same great-great-great-great-(and so on)-grandparents. One group may have left Africa earlier or later than another, but we’ve all been on the planet the same length of time.

Which means none of us have been mutating any longer than anyone else.

By definition.

Seriously. This is just jaw-droppingly, mind-bogglingly stupid. The only way one subset of humans could have “existed much longer in human evolutionary history” than another is someone had dropped white people and black people onto the planet at different times, and the only people who believe that are Neo-Nazis and UFO cult adherents.

(PS: The “race” with the most harmful genetic mutations? White people.)