318637572 pm Pacific time: This was a big protest.

I’ve posted photos from Berkeley, Irvine, UCSB, Davis, and UCLA at the @studentactivism Twitter feed. (The photo at right is from Berkeley.)

2:10 pm: According to @AMYCHAMP on Twitter, UC Davis students briefly occupied the Davis administration building about half an hour ago before deciding “to keep it peaceful, and take it outside.”

2:20 pm: Reports coming in that UCLA students are holding a sit-in at the chancellor’s office, demanding a public forum on the budget crisis.

2:50 pm: The UC Berkeley rally went mobile a while ago, and eventually into a traffic-blocking sit-in/march through the streets of Berkeley. Waiting for word on further developments.

3:40 pm: The San Francisco Chronicle says the Berkeley rally drew five thousand participants.

5:40 pm: Local news says that several hundred students participated in the UC Santa Cruz walkout. Reports on Twitter suggest that there may have been a building takover there too.

5:50 pm: The UCLA Daily Bruin confirms that between 60 and 70 students are staging a sit-in at the campus’s Murphy Hall, demanding that the UCLA chancellor agree to hold a public forum.

6:30 pm: The UC Berkeley Daily Cal’s walkout blog says that Berkeley protesters shut down traffic near the campus for close to two hours this afternoon.

6:50 pm: It’s confirmed — UC Santa Cruz students are occupying the UCSC Graduate Student Commons, a student union building on campus … and the occupation has a blog.

7:30 pm: Odd that neither the Chronicle of Higher Education or Inside Higher Ed has updated their coverage of the walkout since this morning. I guess we’ll see what they have to say tomorrow.

Friday: I’ve compiled a campus-by-campus wrapup, posted here.