March 19 Update | Alexandra Wallace released a second apology yesterday, and announced that she’s dropping out of UCLA.

Alexandra Wallace, the UCLA student who filmed herself in an anti-Asian YouTube rant over the weekend, has released a statement of apology to the Daily Bruin student newspaper.

In the video, titled “Asians in the Library,” Wallace mocked UCLA’s “hordes” of Asian students, saying that they bring their “moms and their brothers and their sisters and their grandmas and their grandpas and their cousins and everybody that they know” to campus and talk noisily on their cell phones in the library.

Wallace’s imitation of one such student — “Ohhhh, ching chong ling long ting tong. Ohhhhh” — sparked both outrage and stunned amusement across the web today.

Here’s the apology:

“Clearly the original video posted by me was inappropriate. I cannot explain what possessed me to approach the subject as I did, and if I could undo it, I would. I’d like to offer my apology to the entire UCLA campus. For those who cannot find it within them to accept my apology, I understand.”

More to come.

Tuesday Update | Wallace’s apology came hours after she received “numerous death threats via email and phone,” the Daily Bruin reported this morning. Campus police have advised her to reschedule her final exams for her own safety.

Second Update | University officials are investigating whether Wallace violated the campus code of conduct, but rumors that she has been expelled from UCLA are false, and expulsion is highly unlikely.