On Tuesday I put up a blogpost, intended as the first in a series, tallying all the campus occupations that were taking place at US colleges and universities. Since then, one new occupation has begun, one has ended, there have been developments in several others. Here’s the latest…

Clemson University

Students and faculty at Clemson occupied Sikes Hall on Wednesday, April 12 as a response to a string of bias incidents on campus and broader complaints about campus climate and racial exclusion. Some students camped out overnight on Wednesday on the building’s steps. #SikesSitIn

University of Massachusetts

Students at UMass Amherst launched a sit-in at the Whitmore Administration Building in support of fossil fuel divestment on April 11. The students voluntarily left the building Monday night, but they returned the following morning. Since Tuesday, a group of students have been arrested each night when the administration closed the building, and the occupation has resumed each morning. #SitAtWhit

Appalachian State University

Students occupied the administration building at Appalachian State in North Carolina on April 7, demanding that the university’s chancellor condemn HB2, the state’s new anti-LGBT law. The students ended their occupation on April 13 after the chancellor made a public statement in opposition to the law. #OccupyAppStateAdmin

Duke University

A weeklong occupation of the Allen Building in support of campus workers’ rights ended on April 8, but a tent encampment in front of the building continues. #DismantleDukePlantation

University of California, Davis

Students protesting Linda Katehi, the president of UC Davis, have been occupying Mrak Hall for 35 days. On Wednesday, April 13, news media revealed that the Katehi administration had spent $175,000 to try to suppress negative publicity surrounding the 2011 incident in which peacefully protesting Davis students were pepper-sprayed by a campus police officer. #FireKatehi

Harvard Law School

Activists have been occupying a student lounge at Harvard Law since February 15 in support of marginalized students on campus. #ReclaimHLS